Even if you are in a bad situation, you still have rights.

Navigating Foreclosure With Experienced Legal Counsel

The possibility of losing your home is one of the most stressful situations you may ever face. Your house is more than just the place where you live – it’s often where your sense of safety is rooted. When you receive a notice of foreclosure from the bank, you can feel like your entire life is being threatened, and often, such letters are preceded by vast financial hardship already. You may feel there’s nothing you can do in such a situation, but I assure you that there are options. Before you decide to passively accept a foreclosure notice, you should be made aware of the implications to follow.

When you face foreclosure, the weight of uncertainty can be overwhelming. I am here to lift that burden. I bring almost 20 years of experience in consumer protection law, coupled with an in-depth understanding of the legal framework that safeguard your rights as a homeowner. At The Law Office of Jack Malicki, LLC, my practice is dedicated to only helping homeowners like you, I never represent the bank in a foreclosure case.

You Are In A Unique Situation – So You Need An Individualized Approach

Each person and family have different needs. I try to achieve the best results for you and your family. The best result will be influenced by many factors including the following:
  • Whether you want to keep the home
  • If you have school age children
  • How much equity is in the home
  • The condition of the home
  • Whether repairs are needed
  • The cost of any needed repairs
  • Your physical condition and the number of stairs in the home
  • Your current income
  • Your other bills

Finding Ways To Minimize Your Damages

If there’s no way out of losing your home, or if you simply want to be free of an unaffordable mortgage payment, an attorney can also assist you in working the terms of the agreement in your favor. You may be able to quickly sell your home before it is auctioned off, keeping your equity in the process. Another common tactic is to negotiate a short sale or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. In both of these arrangements, you agree to hand over ownership of the home without additional payments or a formal foreclosure, eliminating the long-term toll a foreclosure can take on your credit score and your life as a whole.

Truthfully, without analyzing your unique case, there’s no way I can adequately explain all of your options, let alone determine which one would be best for you. Thus, I invite you to schedule a consultation at my firm. Then, we can evaluate the details together and select the most effective method of resolution.

Loan Modification As A Foreclosure Alternative

If you are grappling with the possibility of losing your home, know that foreclosure is not your only option. Loan modification is a process that can provide a much-needed lifeline. It involves renegotiating the terms of your mortgage loan, which can result in lower monthly payments, reduced interest rates, or an extended loan term. This can be a crucial step in not only preserving your homeownership but also in managing your financial future more effectively.

Take The First Step Toward Protecting Your Home

If your foreclosure has led you to feel guilty or ashamed, know that situations aren’t always as they appear. I’ve seen many cases where foreclosure is the result of unscrupulous lending practices, and just as many more involve honest, hardworking people who simply fell on unexpected hard times. Regardless of what has happened already, I will fight to keep your home and protect you in whatever way possible.

Contact me to schedule your complimentary consultation by calling 440-305-6786 or by submitting your details through an online contact form. Together, we can navigate this challenge and work toward a positive resolution.